Political Science - Islamic State


The State 

State in Political Science or Political Sense

1) Population or People
2) Land or Territory
3) Government or the administrating body and
4) Sovereignty
are the four elements or factors that are necessary for the establishment of a state.  Missing one, the other three cannot be defined or identified as state.  All these factors must be in compliance with each other to maintain peace in it's environment.  State should not be compared or mixed-up  with the factors that it is made up of.  No matter how powerful and organized they are, alone, these elements are honoured as state.

A state is formed when a group of people on common grounds avail a piece of land with fixed or marked boundaries.  They elect reliable and efficient individuals to work for their betterment, to assure justice to prevail, to keep an eye on their internal and external affairs and to represent the entire population outside their boundaries.  For showing the ability of good governance, this group of elected individuals forms the government.  The coordination between people and their representatives (government) entitles the state, which is in this case would be known as the sovereign land.  So in brief, land and government are the physical elements while sovereignty is an ideal and it depends upon,
1) how powerful and united are the people to defend their rights and territory
2) how wise are they in electing their representatives.

State is an abstract in the absence of one or all basic elements, otherwise it is concrete.  It does not exist unless people and territory are there.

The state is also defined as a political organization, a land where people of mutual interest form a government and are free to make decisions.  State is dependable upon it's citizens for it's existence, that is why it is necessary for all it's citizens to be politically wise and correct so they can elect a good governing team among them to run the state affairs.  In this case, people hold the sovereignty to make all the decisions, they have a right to elect or reject the individuals they choose to govern them.

Is Pakistan a state?
Having a fixed territory with a definite boundary, with large population, the elected government and sovereignty (an established and strong military power); Pakistan fulfills the criteria thus is recognized as a state.

Prior to 14th August, 1947, a majority of Muslims living in the Subcontinent believed that all their basic human rights were literally and practically abused by the British rulers and Hindu majority.  Their common agenda and common interests brought them together on a platform under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and his team (the elected governing body of that time) and finally they achieved a separate land called Pakistan.  Muslims disregarded their differences and trusted Mr. Jinnah to be their leader, law-maker and the head of the state.  Not an O' Level (ordinary) but an extra-ordinary performance by the leaders of the Pakistan Movement, their workers and the common people claimed the land to be sovereign.

It was just like 1400 years ago, the Muslims living in Makkah were tortured and abused by all means to the extreme that they had to migrate from there.  First to the land of Habshah, then to Madinah where they were welcomed whole-heartedly by the inhabitants.  They were offered to share the land, resources and possessions.  Then on common grounds, under the most sacred and the most efficient leadership of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they established a state.  They all believed in the sovereignty of Allah (SWT).  They disregarded their differences and chose the Prophet (S.A.W) to be their leader/teacher/king/ruler/head of the state/law-maker/judge even commander-in-chief in battlefields.

State in Islamic Sense
1) People are the most important factor of state and their welfare (smooth provision of basic necessities) and opportunities for a better life without any discrimination is the base of it's foundation.  In that sense, there is no difference between an Islamic or a non-Islamic state.

2) It is people from where all kind of professionals sprout, such as leaders, politicians, political workers, police, judges, lawyers, scientists, philosophers, historians, poets, authors, writers, sweepers, street hawkers, etc.  They are there to serve each other.  They all need to be provided with education and healthy environment for better service.  So, education and healthy environment are the basic objective of both type of states.

3) People choose people to build a system and create an environment where justice prevails and their lives, possessions, properties and rights are not threatened or abused by any internal or external elements.  Both types of states are obliged for that.

The difference between Islamic and non-Islamic state
The difference between the two states could be,
1) who should hold the sovereignty/supreme power?
2) how and based on what criteria should people elect their leaders?

In a non-Islamic state, people make decisions according to their likes and dislikes and finally the majority rules whether the minority likes it or not.
In an Islamic state, God is considered the Supreme Authority and those with deep understanding of Islamic System are elected to rule the state whether the ignorant like it or not.  The entire system of an Islamic State is designed according to God's will (the Islamic Shari'ah).

In a non-Islamic state, people choose individuals to make laws according to their will and elect individuals to form an administration to implement those laws.
In an Islamic state,  people choose individuals who are able to implement the laws ordained by the Islamic Shari'ah (Qur'an and Sunnah).  If there is a need, new laws can be designed by the consultation of scholars and not based on public demand.  The new laws must not be in contradiction with the divine laws.

In an Islamic state, people's top priority is the implementation of Islamic laws in society, their personal or common interests do not cross the limits imposed by the Shari'ah.

In an Islamic state, politics and religion are not separate.  Religion is the form of particular rituals or forms of worship which distinguish the faith of one from others.  Politics is the process of governing a group of skilled individuals who are capable of running the state.
Islam presents the complete system of life, religion and politics are the two important factors of Islamic system.  They are not contrary to each other.  They do not interrupt or intercept each other at any point.

Is Pakistan an Islamic State?
Pakistan is naturally an Islamic state.  The Pakistan Movement, from the Two-Nation Theory to the achievement of a separate land was basically organized and run by Muslims.  Later on, non-Muslims also join the hands but the objectives of the movement remained same.  Muslims succeeded because of the struggle on their common agenda "The Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution)".

Pakistan has survived though as a natural state but her Islamic identity is at stake.  External conspiracies and people's ignorance in all aspects have stained Pakistan's honour in the international community.  The political and religious criminals have been taking the advantages of the whole situation so far.

This post was an extract of a home discussion, was originally written on October 31st, 2010.

Theory of Islamic State
B. A. Political Science 


1- The syllabus of Political Science in Pakistan describes Abu'l Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Mawardi, Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Ghazali, Abu Zaid Abdur-Rahman ibn Khuldoon and Abu Nasr Muhammad Al-Farabi as the presenter of theories of Islamic state.

In fact, the first three did not present the theory but defined the feature of an Islamic state and the characteristics of the ruler of an Islamic state, while Farabi only explained and discussed the vision of the global Islamic state/caliphate that was prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) centuries ago.

However, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal should be mentioned in the syllabus as the first political thinker and theorist as he presented the idea of an Islamic State as a political solution for Muslim and non-Muslim communities.  His Two-Nation Theory is a synonym or a redefinition of the State of Madinah established by the Prophet (pbuh).

2- Al-Mawardi from Shafai Fiqh is known to be the first Muslim political thinker according to the syllabus.  While, in fact, the first Muslim political thinker was the Prophet (pbuh).  Later on, his holy companions and the four Righteous Caliphs, Abu-Bakr As-Siddique, Umar ibn-Al-Khattab, Uthman Ghani and Ali ibn Abi Talib contributed their knowledge and skills to strengthen the political and social conditions of the first caliphate.  None of these, the most righteous personalities ever invented the fiqh of their own.
3- Al-Mawardi was born in Basrah, Al-Ghazali was born in Iran, Ibn-Khuldoom was born in Tunis in an Arab family and Farabi was born in a village in Farab in either Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan.  Among these four, Ibn-Khuldoon (1332 - 1406) is said to be the most recent Muslim political scientist.
The question that arises here is that were these four the only political scientists or political experts among Muslims in last 1400 years and that no one else was eligible to be mentioned as political scientist from non-Arab or non-Iranian background in last 600 years?
Can't the names of Allama Iqbal (1255 - 1316 A.H/1877 - 1938 A.D - age 61) from the South Asian region, Harun Yahya from Turkey, Shiekh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir from USA be added to the list and in the syllabus?
4- The course books and other reference books suggested by the KU mention the four forms of governments, according to the understanding of Ibn-Sina, that had developed in Islamic history; respectively Khilafah/Caliphate, Mulk under Shari'ah, Mulk under Siyasa Aqlia and Siyasa Madaniya.  These books do not define the last form of government - Ibn Sina disregarded it as it never existed in human history and Farabi thinks of it an hypothetical one.
The fourth form of government 'Siyasa Madaniya' is explained by Farabi as the 'world under one political system'.  No doubt it sounds hypothetical and seems impossible to exist but Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has already prophesied that the time will come when the whole world will be ruled under the Islamic Shari'ah, and any prophecies of the Prophet (pbuh) cannot be categorized as hypothetical.  As he (pbuh) has said, Islamic Shari'ah is going to be the global dominating power for sure.
'Siyasa Madaniya' should be the active part of the curriculum and the focus of any political discussion as this is the only form of government that hasn't happened and can be worked upon.  
5- The Islamic State/Caliphate lost it's soul (a divine state to be governed under the rules of shariah) right after the martyrdom of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib.  The later style of caliphate helped the system to distinguish between the ruler, his administrators, religious personalities and common people.  This social distinction led Muslims towards monarchy / imperialism which finally caused the end of Muslim caliphate. 
6- That lost soul of Khilafah/Caliphate is in search of a territory, which is acquired in the name of God, where people's will is to live according to God's will and where people want to be governed by pious, honest, sincere, brave, wise and educated team of administrators.  
Since Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has said it, all lands will finally provide that body, just like the way the piece of land called Pakistan has done so.  Making of Pakistan is just the beginning of that holy process, other communities would have no choice but to follow the theory and ideology of Allama Iqbal.  Thanks to supporters of The New World Order.
7-  “He (Al-Farabi) presented some rare original ideas to political science, which have still not been realized. He held that if someone embodying all the qualities is not available, then the state should be governed jointly by a group of rulers of particular qualities. This theory presaged the present system of having council of ministers to run the administration.” taken from…. http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-10234.html

An Islamic state  is a system of government which is based upon the principles of Sharia’ set by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  The first Islamic state was established in Medinah in 622 A.H by the Prophet himself as he migrated from Makkah to Medinah and all the residents and migrants mutually accepted him as their ruler.
Muslims believe in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the final prophet of God, after his demise, his companions continued the system as his followers and  the Islamic state got the title of caliphate.  So caliphate is an institution in which a Muslim personality of high profile rules according to Qur’an and sunnah as the follower of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  The caliphate is the symbol of the unity of Muslim nations around the world.  The period of 632 -661 A.H was ruled by Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all) respectively.  This period is called Khilafat-e-Rashida.
Later on, from 661- 1346 A.H (March 3, 1924), different Muslim dynasties ruled over Muslim territories.  Sultan Abdul Majid son of Sultan Abdul Aziz from Ottoman Dynasty was the last caliph of Islamic caliphate.  His rule ended on March 3, 1924 when a Turk general Mustafa Kemal Ata-Turk abolished the caliphate and became the first Turk president.
A very few Muslim individuals or groups in different countries since then have proclaimed to be the caliphs for the sake of revival of Islamic caliphate but couldn’t succeed.  However, the global domination of Islam or a global Islamic caliphate is already prophesied by the Prophet(pbuh).
The nature of Islamic state:
“The sovereignty of God, the message conveyed by all the prophets, is the foundation of the system.  Legislation contained in the Qur’an becomes the basic law of the state.  This puts the fundamental law of the society beyond the lobbying power of particular interest groups and ensures that legislation is just and equitable.  The government must make decisions on the basis of what God has revealed.  If it does not, according to the Qur’an it is not Islamic, for those who make decisions on other than what God has revealed are unbelievers (Surah Al-Maida 44).  In cases not covered by revelation, decisions based on Islamic principles ar left to the Mujtahids, Islamic experts on legal interpretation.  The Muslims can make laws or regulations dealing with such matters, but these do not have the same permanence as Qur’anic injunctions” taken from http://www.islamfortoday.com/cleland04.htm
The concept of an Islamic state, is of a territory that is governed according to the will of Almighty God and where people regardless of any differences live in a peaceful environment and enjoy their rights as per granted by Allah (SWT).  Following are the elements/features/characteristics/principles of an Islamic state.
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.”…Surah Al-Baqarah 30
In general, all human beings are Allah’s viceroy, thus they all responsible to establish a system under His divine laws.
1. Sovereignty of Allah -  Believing in Allah (SWT) as the Supreme Authority in all matters is the foundation of an Islamic state.  Allah is self-sufficient and His being and work is free from all faults.  Everything and everyone depends upon Him for their existence and sustenance.   His divine law should be the law of His land like it is in the the rest of the universe.  So basically an Islamic state is a divine state where Allah (SWT) is regarded as the only Sovereignty over all.
“Whatever is in the heavens and on earth,- let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah for He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise… To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: It is He Who gives Life and Death; and He has Power over all things… He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things...He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do… To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: and all affairs are referred back to Allah…He merges Night into Day, and He merges Day into Night; and He has full knowledge of the secrets of (all) hearts”…Surah Al-Hadeed 1-6
2. Khalifah/Caliph – A form of government which is founded upon Islamic Sharia’ is called khilafah/caliphate.   The head of the state/ruler/commander is called “khalifa/caliph, ameerul mu’minee or imam”.  He must be the true follower of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).  A wise, pious man who could be trusted for guarding the Islamic constitution (divine laws) and ensures it’s imposition.  He is also the symbol of Muslim’s unity and brotherhood.  He can be held accountable by the judiciary, just like an ordinary person, if found guilty of error/crime.
3.  Consultation (Shura) – An Islamic state is not a dictatorial kind of government.   It is a system where all state and public affairs are handled and accomplished by the mutual consultation of  the wise and educated representatives of people.  These representatives are elected on merit.  The criteria for merit is also prescribed by Sharia’.
“Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance;”…Surah Shura 38
4. Obedience of the ruler (Ulul-amr) – The citizens of an Islamic state must obey  their ruler/khalifa in all the matters that are not contrary to Islamic Sharia’.  They have a right to submit their doubts or complaints against khalifa or other officials in judicial courts.   They will be punished if they disobey the ruler or break laws.
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination”…Surah An-Nisa 59
5. Equality/Equal Opportunity – Islam denounces discrimination on the basis of race, colour, cast, creed, language, faith, and nationality.  Islam believes in human rights for each individual present there within the boundaries of an Islamic state.  The authorities and majority are guardians of the rights of minorities and are not allowed to interfere in there religious and personal matters.
“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other.  Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.  And Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted”  Surah Al-Hujraat 13
6. Justice – Rule of law and safety of people’s life and property regardless of any differences is one of the main objectives of an Islamic state.  All are equal before the law and the court cannot make distinction between elite and poor, the less privileged Muslims and non-Muslims.  All citizens are assured of the freedom to move around and enjoy their rights.  They can approach the judicial courts for fast and fair justice to solve their disputes.
“O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well- acquainted with all that ye do”  Surah An-Nisa 135
7. Welfare State/Social Welfare -  The state is responsible for the well-being of every citizen and for the proper provision of basic necessities to them.  The social welfare  is maintained through  collection of zakah.  Zakah is the yearly tax imposed upon Muslims on their savings.  Khilafah is an institution where religion and politics are not considered separate and khalifa/caliph/ruler/head is an authority over both terms, thus the government is authorized to collect zakah and distribute it according to the rules of sharia’.
“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah.fearing”  Surah Al-Baqarah 177
“Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah. and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”…Surah Tauba 60
8. “Amr bil ma’roof wa nahi anil munkar” – The head of the state is ordered to follow the rule of “amr bil ma’roof wa nahi anil munkar” meaning order people to do good and stop them from wrong and punish them if they don’t.  It is to create an environment where people are persuaded to live in harmony, behave nicely, control their anger through sermons and/or public speeches.  Children are trained to develop such a character from homes and educational institutions.  The purpose is to reduce the rate of home-based or street crimes and stop people from harming each other.
“You are the best community that has been raised for mankind.  You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah”  Surah Al-e-Imran 110
“The believers, men and women, are protectors of each other; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil”  Surah Tauba 71
“The hypocrites, both men and women, proceed one from another.  They enjoin the wrong and forbid the right”…Surah Tauba 67
Note – The course books do not explain the characteristics/features of an Islamic state as they are mentioned above.  In #2 Khalifah/Caliph is replaced with caliphate because it doesn’t make sense to include caliphate as an article of the complete institution which is caliphate.  The references from Qur’an and ahadith are missing in three books that I have referred to.
Thus, an Islamic state or khilafah/caliphate is comprised of these eight features/characteristics; Sovereignty of Allah, Khalifa/ruler, consultation, obedience of the common Muslims towards their khalifah, equality, justice, welfare, “amr bil ma’roof wa nahi anil munkar”.  (do correct me if this is wrong).
Objection: As a Pakistani, we believe that Pakistan is naturally an Islamic state.  It has lost the true identity and couldn’t proceed in the right direction as must have been the dream of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam.  The reasons are enormously numerous. Out of them all, one is our poor and abnormal educational system.  The book writers seem highly obsessed with ancient foreign systems, most systems are proven dead.  Students cannot be blamed, even teachers do not take interest in explaining such boring, dull and dead theories the whole year.  The curriculum does not include anything that can help a student developing positive thoughts about Pakistan.
This is very much unfair to include as a major part of the curriculum of political science, the centuries old ideologies and theories that most of them are irrelevant in today’s political environment.
Herbert Spencer’s organic theory, Bluntschli’s idea of state as a personified masculine, jusristic theory of the personality of state presented by Treitschke, Bluntschli, Jellinek and Maitland, Rousseau, Jhon Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Bertrand de Jouvenel and hundreds more….. they might be good to be studied in extra timings, but don’t deserve to be the part of the course book to occupy few chapters.
While the relevant content is not even mentioned in the book anywhere.  Allama Iqbal’s theory/ideology of an Islamic state, his political thoughts, Quaid-e-Azam’s understanding of Iqbal’s theory, his political efforts and strategies to prove it to be a practical one. What kind of state is Pakistan?  What features are missing and why, that can make Pakistan an ideal Islamic state?

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