Sunday 12 August 2012


Freedom is my state of being able to keep my needs and wants under my control, safeguard my rights to decide for myself.  My freedom does not allow me to harass others and play with their emotions and feelings in any way.

I am inspired with Iqbal's poetry for children since my childhood.  Only a person who can feel the pain of a little, helpless bird in prison can produce an ideology to free a slave nation to become a promised nation.  


To my mind those
Days of past are coming
When in the garden was spring
And everyone chirping

Where is such a freedom nowadays
By their own wish one comes and goes
Wound upon my heart is going sore
As upon the tears of dew smiles the flower

That pleasant-seeming picture
That lovely-seeming figure
Prosperous by which
Was my abode

In my home is no more coming
The cry of those who're humming
Had my freedom been
In the hands of my own!

How misfortunate I am
My own home searching I am!
My friends in their nation
Laying I am in this prison

Spring's come
Buds of flowers are smiling
In this dark home
About my fate I am wailing

Who in this prison
Will my misfortune listen
I fear that in this nest
Will be my final rest

My garden since I left
This has been my state
Grief with heart is consumed
And heart with grief is consumed

Take this not as a song
O the ones who listen!
Of grief-stricken hearts
This is the sound of a plaint

Free me O warden
From this prison
I am speechless prisoner
Set me free and gain my prayer

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