Sunday 18 November 2012

My Progress Report

Rubi is a normal, nomadic and notorious numeral of our society.  Due to a high level of confidence, she 

considers herself a valuable part of country's economy as she believes in making money from substantial 

resources.  She has passionately dissolved herself into education.  

She loves traveling which reveals her insight on distances and vehicles and the concept of far and near.  Her 

freedom of choice has developed in her a great sense of responsibility towards people and nature.  

She can independently carry out her duties and understands the deep-rooted concept of proficiency and 


Her physical constitution is simultaneously based upon food and her mood.  She loves music and adores the 

nursery rhyme, "If I'm happy and I know it, I eat a lot, if I'm happy and I know it and my stomach will surely 

show it, if I'm happy and I know it, I eat a lot...".  She is hygienic as she does not eat from the leftover of 

others because she strongly believes that only ants and flies are born to enjoy other's leftover.  With the 

passage of time, she is becoming involved into both; religion and materialism, and she requests Allah (SWT) 

for a fresh supply of her provisions in abundance.   

Her overall progress so far shows that she is becoming obsessed with making achievements and thus, can be 

entitled as a progressive person, not a personality yet.  She has succeeded in maintaining a good attendance 

record by marking almost everyday as a busy-bee day.  Itis a pleasure to have her around in this favourable, 

human-friendly environment created by Allah (SWT). 

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